Friday, October 21, 2016

General Surgery gastric & intestinal clamps

Gastric and Intestinal Clamps
Intestinal clamps are large self-retaining forceps with a primary function to occlude the bowel lumen.
     These clamps are indeed tissue forceps to allow firm holding of stomach and intestines.
     The non-crushing intestinal clamps do not cause permanent injury to the wall of the held viscus.
   They occlude the viscus lumen and prevent spillage of infected bowel contents.
   Temporarily occlude circulation in the bowel wall and thus keep the operative field free of blood.
   Facilitate anastomosis by allowing the bowel ends to be approximated and manipulated.
     The varieties of clamps in use are:
        Lane twin anastomotic clamp 
        Lloyd Davies Rectal occlusion forceps 
        Payr intestinal clamp crushing
        Lang Stevenson 
        Parker Kerr 

        Zachary Cope crushing .

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