Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Rougines are sharp edged instruments. They are used to lift the periosteum from the surface of a bone. This is essential prior to using any cutting instruments on the bone.
     Roughine (periosteal elevators) in use are:
        Farabeuf (Fig. 8.25)
        Semb (Fig. 8.26)
        Tudor Edwards (Fig. 8.27)

        Doyen (Fig. 8.28)

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rongeurs bone cutting

Rongeurs are instruments with two curved cutting edges with one or two fulcrums for nibbling the edges of a bone to enlarge the cavity created.
     Those in use are:
        Horsley (Fig. 8.20)
        Cairns (Fig. 8.21)
        Killearn (Fig. 8.22)
        Pennybacher (Fig. 8.23)

        Bateman (Fig. 8.24).

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Other Bone cutting instruments 2 cutting forceps

Bone Cutting Forceps
   Liston (Fig. 8.17)
   Horsley-Liston (Fig. 8.18)
   McIndoe (Fig. 8.19)

     Bone cutter has two straight sharp edges and may have one or two fulcrums for double action. They are used to cut a small bone or the irregular edge of long bone.

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Sunday, August 14, 2016

General Surgery Bone cutting 1

Bone Cutting Instruments
All amputations of the extremities involve cutting through the central bone of the limb, thus the need for a saw. These instruments have teeth on their cutting edge to facilitate cutting through bone.
   Fergusson amputation saw (Fig. 8.10)
   Adams-Jones saw (Fig. 8.11)
   Stryker oscillating saw (Fig. 8.12)
   Gigli saw (Figs 8.13A and B).
Other Bone Cutting Instruments
   Chisels are sharp bone cutting instruments beveled on one side only, thus it cannot cut deep into a bone. Smith-Peterson chisel (Fig. 8.14) beveled one side.
   Osteotomes are sharp instruments beveled on both sides and thus can split a bone. McEwan osteotome (Fig. 8.15) beveled both sides.

   A gouge has a curved cutting edge and like a chisel can be used to create a surface cavity on a bone. Smith-Peterson gouge (Fig. 8.16).

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

General Surgery Knives Skin grafting

     Skin grafting knives in use are used for obtaining the superficial layers of skin for grafting.
     Those in use are:
   Blair skin grafting knife (Fig. 8.6)
   Humby skin grafting knife (Fig. 8.7)
   Braithwaite modification of Humby knife (Fig. 8.8)
   Padgett’s dermatome (Fig. 8.9)

     Skin grafting knives are also large but are lighter since they are for obtaining large pieces of split thickness (superficial layers) skin for grafting.

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